Thursday, March 15, 2007

Short Session

It seemed to be hard for both of us tonight.

For my part, it is dread in knowing what is coming. For Jen's part, I think it is pressure from her day job. She said several times that she was very "distractible" today. I cannot say why or how, just that she was. You would have to ask her the reasons why.

I have to laugh at comments and reactions she gets from some people (I will not name names, if you want to out yourself in the comments, be my guest) when she discloses information that is important to the story.

With the exception of Aine, who was dead five years before I met Maeb, my heart belongs only to one.

Be well.

1 comment:

theauthormike said...

Kiernan, Just so you know, I do wish you and Maeb well, but if it doesn't work out, well, I have knee pads for every occasion and with enough wine you will see the beauty in my face. The beauty in my heart, soul and laughter requires no wine.
Your Lady in waiting,
and don't believe anything that Dorothy the old broad tells you about me, you know she lies.