Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hamburgers and French Fries

I knew before this is an odd world that only barely resembles the one I remember from my own time. This was brought home to me tonight, though, when I accompanied Jen out instead of staying here as I had been doing.

For some reason she thinks I need to get out, experience this modern world. I had been avoiding going anywhere because I did not want to ride in one of those cars again. One experience on that was more than enough if you ask me. But I digress.

Food is bizarre.

I cannot imagine why you would ruin a perfectly good potato by cutting it into strips with ridges and frying it. Not to mention all the salt that is on it. And this red stuff called ketchup. More salt. And sugar.

If you do not like potatoes, do not eat them. Just, for the gods' sakes, do not make them into something they were never meant to be.

I experienced a ... hamburger. I shudder to think what may have been wrong with the beef that it needed to be ground in such a manner and formed into a patty. At least the lettuce and tomato were recognizable to me. The bread was too soft. It looked like good crusty bread, but, alas, appearances were deceiving.

I will grant them this. There is a fizzing beverage Jen called "Coke" that was actually quite enjoyable. It does not quite slake the thirst, but it is still refreshing in its own way.

On that note, though it does not quite fully apply since it was not ale, here is a drinking toast:

May your glass be ever full.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven
half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

Enjoy your hamburgers and ... french fries. I prefer to keep my stew and potatoes.

Be well.


thewriterslife said... cracked me up! I loooove a man with a good sense of humor!

Kiernan said...

I am glad you are able to see humor in this, Dorothy. For now, I still cannot. I dread to think what tomorrow might bring.

Be well.
