Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It Is Coming

I feel it coming.

Maeb will soon leave me. I wish I knew what Jen had planned. Although, since it is a combination of what I tell her and what she decides on her own, I wonder if it would be possible for me to exert some influence and make it an easier road for all of us?

Can I do that?

I realize I am fictional in your world, but I am very real in my own. And in my own time.

There was something in tonight's writing session that at first glance seems insignificant. Meaningless. Barely even worth notice. It will be big, though. It will be one of the reasons why Maeb will leave. She will feel like I do not respect her. Like I dismiss her as one of the servants or worse.

Why must I go through this?

Be well. You might as well since I cannot.


thewriterslife said...

HOt damn, hot damn...listen you incredible hunk you, I knew she was wrong for you from the get go. I mean, man, she flirted with everything in a loincloth right under your nose. Didn't you notice that she wasn't in bed with you in the morning? Oh didn't sleep with her or you did? Come on fellow, fess up, either you did or you didn't.

Kiernan said...


Who does or does not sleep in my bed is nobody's business but my own.

You are blaming Maeb for something that is my fault. I accept all responsibility for her leaving. Her family wanted her protected, yet I could not protect her from me.

The story is not over yet. I will get her back.

Be well.
