Friday, March 9, 2007


There are times I wonder if perhaps I am pushing Jen too hard to get my story written. I have been looking for someone who would be capable of writing it for a long time before I came across her.

A couple months ago, I walked into her dreams in the wee hours of the morning. She remember me! She remembered I had a story that needed to be told.

No one else has done that. Dreams are fickle things and people tend to forget them quickly. Perhaps my timing was the key in this one. My point is, perhaps that is why I push her so much. I wnat to get it down. I want it told. Aye, there are parts I would like to forget, but perhaps someone can take heart from those and possibly even learn from my mistakes.

When I say here that Jen has left me in an unfortunate situation it is more that she was not able to continue to where I was out of that situation, whether because of work, family obligations, or just being tired.

I am trying to take it easy on her tonight. She did three pages earlier this evening and they are good because I am mostly out of the situation I was in.

I am not heartless. Merely impatient. Can you tell me you would not be if you had waited over 1,500 years for your story to be told?

Be well.

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