Sunday, March 25, 2007

Impossible to Ignore

Jen is impossible to ignore.

I want to be angry with her. I refused to cooperate with her for very long tonight. We are at a very painful place for me right now with the story. When next we begin, it will have skipped forward a day and Maeb will be gone.

Please, Dorothy, no comments about that.

I want no one's sympathy. I am simply stating what will be. Gods willing, I could change it. But since I will not know until it is done, there will only be one course of action open for me. And believe me, I will seize it.

As for the birthday party we went to today, the twins are indeed precious. What children are not? Their hair is blond and curly. They are starting to walk and can take a few steps without help.

Jen is understandably proud. Yet, I know she hurts as well. I will not go into that. It is not my place to say anything.

For your reading enjoyment:

When we drink, we get drunk.
When we get drunk, we fall asleep.
When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.
When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
So, let's all get drunk, and go to heaven!

I actually feel the need for a drink, but none is available.

Tomorrow will be a long workday for Jen. Because of that, I will write no more tonight.

Be well.


thewriterslife said...

Oh, peeshaw, Kiernan, it's not that bad. Rememer Aine? How are you going to love another woman holding Aine so close to your heart? My daughter is going through the same thing. She dropped this gorgeous boyfriend because he told her he wasn't over his ex-wife. It's just something you need to work through and until you can handle it, you're going to stay in limbo and that's not a good place to be.

Kiernan said...

Dorothy, first I must apologize for not responding sooner.

Second, I cannot help but think you are basing your guess on old information.

It is true there is a part of me that will always love Aine, but not in that regard any longer.

Be well.
