Monday, April 9, 2007

On Sharing Journals

I am aware this is a different medium than I am accustomed to. Aye, even now after using it for better than a month. Still, there is something ... at odds with the idea that this journal be shared.

It was broached by Jen in relation to what would ultimately be my great-great-great-grandson. His name has been changed to one more befitting his personality. He is Devon. Which brings up a question...

Will his name be changed in my story to reflect that since he is supposed to be the reincarnation of my would-have-been son?

(Jen Note: Yes. It will be changed.)

That is good to know. There is no need for any further confusion than is necessary. As soon as I know where and what his address will be for his own journal, I will be certain to let you know.

In the meantime, be well. I have to go make certain Jen is taking care of herself after having a back ache all day.

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