Monday, April 30, 2007


First, I have to do this just for the annoyance factor.

I ain't used to talking this way. I'd be lying if I said it ain't hard. But I heard in the past few days someone I know really dislikes "ain't" to the point of cringing when she hears it. I bet you ain't got a problem in figuring out it's Jen.

I must thank Sandy for the impetus for this.

All right. That is done. I felt like I was going to dislocate something with all those "ain't"s. In case you have not noticed, I very rarely even use contractions. 'Tis not in my nature, with a few exceptions.

I have been working with Jen to edit my story. We have made it through the end of chapter 3. With work and getting ready to go to a writers' conference at the end of this week, she has not had time to do anything on it today. I am satisfied with the progress we made over the weekend, though. In truth, that may be the best way to go about it. That way, Devon will not bother her when we are working. He is getting quite impatient, and understandably so.

Be well.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

It Makes My Head Spin

We have started going over my story, to revise it and fill in any holes that might have been left the first time around.

I am not a man of thoughts. I am not a writer. Aye, I can read and write, but I do not spend a lot of time doing either of these. I do. I am rarely idle.

In a way, I envy people who do such things. Sometimes it seems this type of work is more difficult than the physical activity I am accustomed to.

Condensing almost 300 pages into a 3-4 page summarization, for example, is not something I could do. But it seems Jen has done so very well although she claims it needs work.

It is my experience that very little comes out perfectly done the first time through, regardless of what it is.

Be well.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Some Things Are Not Meant for Sleeping

A couple nights ago, Jen slept on this thing that looked like a settle but with a back. (A settle is a padded bench.) If you were to push a lever and pull on the bottom of the seat, it would lie flat for a bed.

I have been told if I had just called it a "futon," the above explanation would not be necessary. Be that as it may...

Even I could feel the slats of the frame beneath the mattress. She slept on it anyway. The next morning, she said her "butt and hips" were stiff and sore. As the day progressed, it spread up and into her back. This morning, it hurt her so that it was difficult to walk down the hall from her bedchamber to the sitting room.

And again I stand corrected. Apparently now it is called simply a bedroom and living room, respectively. It matters little. The intent is still the same.

Some things are not made for sleeping. It is my thought this futon is one of them. If I heard her mother correctly, she might have to sleep on one again in a couple weeks. That would not be a good thing, I think.

She has finally written some today. She did not for two days and it affected her mood in a way I did not realize it could.

Be well.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

She Learned from Me

Though she is, for all intents and purposes, my creator, I have to admit to being proud of Jen. She learned from me and the telling of my story.

'Tis truth she struggled a bit in the beginning of my story. Perhaps, if I am to be completely honest, more than a bit. And she has struggled again with the telling of Devon's, though not so much.

She has learned from me. That is indeed an odd feeling for a man who honestly does not exist in physical form in your world, in your time.

Be well.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Thing Called a Link

I always thought of a link as a piece of chain, connecting one part to another. With that description, I suppose a "link" is an apt word to describe this.

I have little time at the moment so I will leave you only with the link to Devon's journal. He can be found at Devon's Wish. (I will not confess to how long it took for Jen to show me how to make that show up where you can click on it.)

If you would, go visit and say hello. I know he would appreciate it. 'Tis only one entry for now, though I have no doubt more will follow.

Be well.

Monday, April 9, 2007

On Sharing Journals

I am aware this is a different medium than I am accustomed to. Aye, even now after using it for better than a month. Still, there is something ... at odds with the idea that this journal be shared.

It was broached by Jen in relation to what would ultimately be my great-great-great-grandson. His name has been changed to one more befitting his personality. He is Devon. Which brings up a question...

Will his name be changed in my story to reflect that since he is supposed to be the reincarnation of my would-have-been son?

(Jen Note: Yes. It will be changed.)

That is good to know. There is no need for any further confusion than is necessary. As soon as I know where and what his address will be for his own journal, I will be certain to let you know.

In the meantime, be well. I have to go make certain Jen is taking care of herself after having a back ache all day.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

It's Started

Last night, Jen started working on the new story. I nudged her just a bit and got myself mentioned there in the first couple paragraphs.

Aye, 'tis probably a bad case of what is now called ego. Perhaps I should be ashamed, but I am not. If this is a continuation of my family story, which it is, there should be no reason why I would not be mentioned.

Not that it truly matters.

In a few hours, she will be taking another chapter of my story to her writers' group. Today is the day she plans to seriously start on the editing as well. I wonder how that will be feasible, but we shall see.

Be well.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Since we finished my particular story, I have wondered what Jen would choose to work on next. She has a wide variety of ideas that could go any number of ways.

I wondered if she would go back to straight fantasy, which she started out writing and which she still likes to read.

She is not.

I wondered if she would go with one of the ideas she has for a romance story set in your modern times.

Again, she is not.

What is she doing?

She is starting another story on my family. This one is set to feature my however-many-times-great-grandson (her wording, not mine) Sean. Indeed, 'tis the same Sean as who used to haunt the west tower.

I cannot adequately explain it. I will copy something Jen said about it here instead.

Sean Maguire is the new duke of Beinn. He has memories of a previous “life” but he had never been actually born. He was the ghost who had haunted the west tower 100 years before. In this actual life, he will be forced to marry the MacDermott’s clan-chief’s daughter in order to (hopefully) stop the fighting/raiding between those two clans and their allies.

Aidan MacDermott is considered a witch in her clan, which has mostly gone over to the new religion (Christianity). What better way to get rid of her than to marry her off to a “heathen” clan? She’s psychic (not a witch) but largely follows the new religion herself until she spends some time in the Maguire stronghold.

I do not like the idea of any in my family, in my clan, marrying the enemy. I wish I did not have to stand for it. But 'tis not my choice to make. I can see the wisdom in such a decision, but that does not mean I have to like it.

Be well.

Sunday, April 1, 2007


It is passing odd to me that the story is told. It is completed.

Well, what Jen calls the "first draft" is finished. She will now have to go in and fill in some blanks, make some changes, and do some research. It seems my word is not enough, but then, even my memory can be faulty at times. In that regard, I cannot blame her.

She did not know what to do with herself yesterday and a large portion of today. It is something we have worked on in the evenings when she completed her work and as much as possible on the weekends. To sit idle yesterday was ... odd.

I knew when she wrote that it took me two weeks to get across Ireland it was wrong. Her answer to that, as to many other things, was "I just want to get the story down. I can go back and fix it later."

And indeed she will.

I am proud that this is done but sad also because I fear my time with her, with you, and even in this modern time that is so perplexing to me may be nearing an end. I have been indirectly assured by Nigel Taiman through the continuance of posts even after his creator's book has been accepted and published that this will not happen.

It is still a concern.

Be well.